Dan Zerin

My Voices Have Tourettes

I suffered from Tourette Syndrome and various disorders for my whole life. Endured not just the feeling of embarrassment, but also quite a bit of physical and mental pain.

I finally decided to learn from my pain and created a stand up comedy show in Iceland (where I live) with a couple friends called “My Voices Have Tourettes”. It features comedians with disorders and syndromes to help raise awareness in a fun way. Two of us have TS, one has Autism, one has Schizophrenia, and the other has an Anxiety Disorder.

“It’s one thing to tell someone that they are not alone. But, the moment you actually show them in person that they truly are not alone, that’s when the magic happens and that’s why we’re all here.
Welcome to My Voices Have Tourettes.”


Click the link below to listen to the Live Your Passion episode that features Dan